As your local representative for the past eight years, this community is a huge part of my life.
I love raising my young family here and I'm dedicated to making our community an even better place to live and work.
I'm so excited to announce that if I am re-elected for the seat of Belmont, and the Cook Labor Government is re-elected for another four years, we will deliver the following commitments:
- $3 million for air conditioning at Belmont City College
- $400,000 to upgrade two hard courts at Redcliffe Primary School
- $140,000 to upgrade the playground at Redcliffe Primary School
- $300,000 for kindy area upgrades at Carlisle Primary School
- $80,000 for air conditioning in the school library at Carlisle Primary School
- $4 million for assembly area upgrades at Rivervale Primary School
- $2.3 million for air conditioning at Kewdale Primary School
- $400,000 to upgrade the undercover area at Cloverdale Primary School
- $1.3 million for air conditioning at Belmay Primary School
- $700,000 to upgrade the drama & music room at Belmay Primary School
- $12,000 for new science and sporting equipment at Belmont Primary School

12. $300,000 towards new lighting for sporting clubs at Peet Park
13. $225,000 towards the development of the City of Swan's BMX Track in South Guildford
14. $25,000 for an art mural on Hazelmere Hall
15. $18,000 for the installation of a new kiln at Belmont Potters
I have a proven track record of delivering for our community, securing major funding for our local schools, sporting clubs, community groups and infrastructure projects.
Check out some of my achievements here!